This is a known issue and the contractor team is working towards a resolution. There is no current ETC for this issue.
Please use the following link to make sure your information is accurate.

  • If a user's PAS code is incorrect or unassigned in MyTraining for some reason they need to verify that their info is correct in MilPDS / AFID first. Once it is correct in that USAF system of record, it will eventually show up in our AFID feed that flows into IdAM, once that happens, the user in question that has the missing / incorrect PAS code needs to then login into MyTraining to force their profile to "pick up" the new PAS Code.
  • it doesn't automatically flow into MyTraining the login step is critical to get that user's PAS code updated in their MyTraining profile

This is also to include if a UTM is asking someone to edit/change/fix Assigned Unit Designation in their profile.